
We have P.E. on Monday's, Wednesday's, Thursday's and Friday's. Please make sure to send in proper gym shoes on those days.

Please check this blog at least once a week to stay updated on classroom happenings.

Thank you,

Michael Hagen

Friday, May 1, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up (On Time)

It was a big week here in first grade yet again. This included field trips, day of service, raptors and a PBIS fun day…oh my! The field trip to Little Mermaid was a smashing success, minus a lot of “ EWWWWW’s” when Ariel had her final kiss at the end. I would like to thank Ruth for volunteering to chaperone this trip. The kids had a blast. Wednesday saw us making up our day of service from that impromptu blizzard last week. The class did a great job of cleaning up the grassy median between the parking lots. Thursday was the first day in quite a while where we did not have ANYTHING going on in the building. It was a nice change of pace to be in the classroom and get to a lot of curriculum. Friday included a visit from the Leslie Science Center and their raptors. The kids enjoyed seeing these magnificent animals up close and personal. Finally, on Friday we had our annual PBIS Fun Day. This is a great event where we celebrate all the fabulous work the kids have done this year exhibiting the PBIS principles of safety, responsibility and respect.

Next week we have our NWEA testing beginning again. We also have a upcoming field trip to the Botantical Gardens in a few weeks. If you would like to chaperone please let me know. Also take note that you will need to send in a lunch with your child, or indicate to me that you would like a sack lunch from school. If you have any questions about any of these events please do not hesitate to drop me a line. Now that the housekeeping issues are over let us get to the HIGHLGIHTS!!!


In math this week we tackled the beginning stages of fractions. This included dividing items in half and into quarters. We also spent several days working on an open response problem that also included equal shares. I loved how the class responded to both days of the open-response problem. Finally, on Friday we worked on taking existing shapes to create new shapes. This involved a lot of cutting and pasting, so the kids were thrilled. I cannot wait to see what next week will bring us.


In phonics this week we pretty much focused on review. We have gone through most of our phonics curriculum for the year, so we will spend time working on reviewing and reinforcing concepts that were already taught. This week saw us work more with diagraphs and clusters. We also worked on our spelling words for the week.


We were able to catch up with our weather journals this week, which was a positive. We also discussed wind and its effect on items. I look forward to revisiting this topic next week. Also, next week we will dive back into our Collecting and Examining Life unit, which promises to be a whole lot of fun.

Social Studies:

We began a new unit in social studies this week that deals with neighborhoods. The class had an opportunity early in the week to sketch out some neighborhood characteristics in their journals.

As always this was merely the highlights of what we got to this week. It is so difficult to encompass 35 hours of classroom time into one wrap-up, but if you have any questions please let me know. It was a great week in the classroom and I look forward to next week and the adventures it will bring…..until then…all told.

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