
We have P.E. on Monday's, Wednesday's, Thursday's and Friday's. Please make sure to send in proper gym shoes on those days.

Please check this blog at least once a week to stay updated on classroom happenings.

Thank you,

Michael Hagen

Friday, March 27, 2015

Plastic Bottles For Science Lesson

If you are able could you please send in a empty plastic bottle with your child on Monday.  They will need them for a science lesson.  Any plastic bottle would be fine, but 2 liters tend to be more difficult for the kids to use, so water bottles and soda bottles would be perfect!   Thank you so much and please let me know if you have any additional questions.


Michael Hagen

Weekly Wrap-Up

It was a terrific week here in first grade. We were incredibly productive in the classroom and I was thrilled with how the class performed throughout the week. It was also spirit week, which led to quite a bit of fun. Before we get into what happened this week I want to take a minute and thank all the parents that sent in items over the past week. We got so many markers, snacks and useful items it is hard to even quantify! I would like to say that I deeply appreciate your support and generosity. A special thank you to Ruth for bringing in an amazing amount of supplies for the class. Also, thank you to the parents for sending in the dry erase markers last week. Thank you to LaSandra for sending in some fabulous snacks for the kids, which they loved! In fact, I do believe with all the fabulous donations we received this past week, we should be set with snack through the end of the year. Again, thank you to everyone who sent in items over the past week and throughout the year. We could not do all that we do in the classroom without your tireless support at home, so from the bottom of my heart…thank you.

We had an Harambee this Thursday, which was a lot of fun and allowed us to learn more about Japan. This coincides nicely with the upcoming International Festival in April. The country we will be researching is South Korea. We will take some time in the computer lab next week to research and record facts about that wonderful country and all of its rich culture. This research and studying will last all the way up to the International Festival in April. I look forward to seeing what the kids discover! Now let’s see what else we were up to in the classroom…ON TO THE HIGHLIGHTS!!!


In math this week we tackled a couple of new strategies for handling subtraction problems. These strategies included the counting up and counting back methods.

We also reinforced the concept of thinking addition to help with different number models. These strategies are very crucial in your child’s mathematical development and will necessitate us taking more time with them as the weeks move on. In addition (get it?) to these concepts, we also talked more about attributes of shapes. The kids had several fun activities revolving around these concepts. We capped off the week in math by playing some fabulous games on Friday. The kids had a lot of fun!


In writing this week we continued our work with revision. The kids had opportunities to partner up at centers to help offer advice on how to revise each other’s work. We also worked on the concept of showing and not telling. What this basically says is that we want the kids to be more descriptive in their writing and their pictures.
In phonics this week we touched on several subjects. One of these subjects included the silent e. The class had an opportunity to sort words based on the vowel sounds they heard along with the silent e. We also had a word wall mystery activity in the middle part of the week. In addition to these topics, we also continued to reinforce compound words, contractions, consonant clusters and consonant diagraphs. All of this happened against the backdrop of our weekly spelling practice.
Social Studies:
In social studies this week we continued our unit dealing with families. We talked about how families show love toward one another and even made lists of what we do to help our families.

This was but a brief view into what went on this week. As I said at the opening, the class did a great job and I am really excited for this stretch run to the finish line. It sure will be tough to say goodbye to these wonderful kids, because you all have done a great job in raising them. That is it for me this week, but if you have any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to drop me a line and until next week….all told. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Thank you very much to Aspen for reminding me this morning.  We took a vote and we will be wearing the color BLUE on Thursday.  Hope to see you all in blue on Thursday!!!!  Please let me know if you have any questions.



Monday, March 23, 2015

Paper Towel Tubes

We could use some paper towel tubes in the classroom for our number scrolls.  If you encounter any of these cardboard tubes please send them in with your child.



Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spirit Week

It is Spirit Week!!  Here is the line-up for the week.  We will be voting on our class color on Monday.  I will immediately post the results on the blog.  


Read a shirt day


Note to a teacher day


Joke in your pocket


Class color day (color vote on Monday)


Favorite book character day

Friday, March 20, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up

It was a bit of a rough week here in first grade. I was out early this week and it really threw things for a loop. However, I am pleased to report that things went very well in my absence with the substitutes. Again, I am terribly sorry that report cards did not go out on time. The logistics of getting them printed, stuffed and sent was not possible with me sick in bed. They did go out on Wednesday though and if you have ANY questions about what is marked, please feel free to drop me a line or swing by the room. I am always available to conference about your child’s progress in the classroom. Now that report cards are out of the way I can really focus my time on my reading groups and the terrific work they are doing.

This week also saw us begin several new concepts that will be a big part of our remaining months in first grade…on to the HIGHLIGHTS!!!


In math this week the class spent time finishing up some assessment materials from unit 6. We also began unit 7 this week. This saw us tackle the subject of fact triangles. The kids had multiple opportunities to connect the fact triangle concept to dominoes and they even got to cut out their own fact triangles and practice with a friend. This was all great, great stuff. I also took some time late in the week to bring the class down to the computer lab. We all logged into a new online math program that I will be using to supplement our current instruction and to differentiate math to my higher learners. The entire class really enjoyed this activity. We will be heading to the lab once a week to practice various concepts, including this program. If you have any questions please let me know.


Writing took a bit of a backseat this week as we went to the lab and finished up assessments. The kids had some time on Friday, though, to continue to edit and make their pieces better. I am looking forward to finishing up our revising unit next week.


In phonics this week we looked more at compound words. The kids were able to take two root words and slam them together to make compound words. You probably saw some of this work make its way home in folders this week. In addition to this, we also practiced our consonant diagraphs and clusters.

This was but a quick snapshot of what we were doing in the classroom this week. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about your child, or what is occurring in the classroom, please do not hesitate to drop me a line and until next week…all told.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


We are currently very low on snack in the classroom.  I have had a few generous parents provide a lot of the snack for the class this year, so thank you to those parents and I am sure you know who you are.  We really appreciate your generosity and support.

However, we are still low on snack in the classroom and I am asking my other parents to please try and send in snack once a month for the class.  We have snack in both the morning and afternoon.   No one is excluded from snack, so if your child is in my room they are receiving snack twice that day.   If this persists I will have to discontinue our daily snack and go to a system where kids can eat what they bring.  Snack is an important time of the day for the kids to recharge a bit before we tackle additional subjects.

I hope for your help and support with this issue.  If you are able please send in snack once a month.  If you have not sent it in for the month of March we would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,

Michael Hagen

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Classroom Needs

We are in desperate needs of dry erase markers in the classroom.  Unfortunately the ones we received earlier in the year have dried out.  If you are able please send one in with your child.

Additionally we could also use a box of spoons and snack.

Thank you so much,

Michael Hagen

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Rotary Food Drive Flyer

Rotary Food Drive

Food Drive To Fight Summer Hunger: Both Bryant and Pattengill schools are collecting canned goods and non-perishable items for Rotary Club of Ann Arbor’s Food Drive To Fight Summer Hunger. Collection boxes will be near the front office at each school from March 16-27

Weekly Wrap Up

It was a very quick week here in first grade. We had a day off on Monday and on Wednesday I shadowed Ms. Heyward as part of my master's program. If that wasn’t enough, we had a field trip to the Yankee Air Museum on Tuesday! Thank you to Ruth and Cathy for volunteering to chaperone this wonderful trip. The kids had a blast and this was the first time we have visited this location. The first grade teachers are already looking forward to next year’s visit. In between these events it was assessment, assessment, assessment. Report cards go out on Tuesday so I have been making sure we have everything set for their release. I eagerly look forward to getting back to normal class business next week. If you have any questions about the report cards please get in touch with me. I am always available to speak with you about your child and his or her performance in the classroom.


Well it was a whole lot of assessments this week in math. We also took some time to review place value. Finally, we worked more on fact triangles. It was a shorter week in math due to assessments, field trip and the day off.


We spent a lot of time with diagraphs this week. The kids practiced sorting and writing various diagraphs. We also took time to review our spelling words and reinforce consonant clusters.


We worked a lot more on revising this week. The kids had multiple opportunities to reread work and formulate plans for revision. This included adding additional details, spelling unknown words correctly and adding dialogue. The dialogue piece was particularly interesting to read.

This was a very brief look at what we were up to this week. I look forward to getting back to normal next week. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please let me now. As I stated earlier I am always available to speak on the phone or conference about your child and until next week…all told.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up

It was a jam-packed, awesome week here in first grade. We had the Read-A-Thon going full bore; we had a terrific book fair that concluded as well. If those events were not enough, we also had Pajama Night on Tuesday. Thank you to all the parents and families that came out to support this wonderful event. We were also able to get to a lot in the classroom as well. Let us see what took place….on to the highlights!!!


We begun the week celebrating the 100th day of school. This involved some new and fun math games through which the kids had an opportunity to rotate. A very special thank you to Anna for volunteering to help during this event. The kids had a blast playing the Difference Game with Anna. We also tackled an open-response problem. These types of problems really fit well into the common core state standards and I love administering them. It really gives a snapshot into the level of thinking the child is using to solve a problem. I would like to find more opportunities to work with these kinds of problems. We also studied equivalence towards the latter end of the week. Finally, on Friday we took some time to play some math games.


We observed our crickets a little more in depth this week. We also collected and analyzed our February weather data, but the less said about that the better. Let us just hope that March is warmer.


In phonics this week we worked on consonant digraphs. The kids had several opportunities to practice this concept with a number of different digraphs. We also took time to reinforce consonant clusters as well. Finally on Friday we took our spelling test.

This is just a quick glimpse of what we tackled this week. Thank you to everyone for all the work you are doing here at Bryant and also at home. This is a great group of kids and that is all because of what you all do at home. Please have a wonderful weekend and until next week….all told.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Spelling Words For The Week

Here are our spelling words for this week.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up

What a terrific week back here in first grade.  It was a very productive week and the class did a great job with everything I threw at them.  We had a Harombee on Monday, which focused on the concept of “bucket filling.”   This is a common theme here at Bryant where we encourage children to “fill buckets” of individuals and not “dip from other’s buckets.”  This theme ties into the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) program that we utilize here at Bryant. 

I want to let you all know we have a big week coming up with the Read-A-Thon, book fair, and a Bryant Pajama Night.  If that wasn’t enough we also celebrate the 100th day of school on Monday.  We will have a several fun math related games to help mark the day.  Now let’s see what else we were up to this week…onto the highlights!!!


We were able to touch on several subjects this week in math.  We took additional time to work on doubles and near doubles.  This strategy is very effective in adding and subtracting within 20, which we also practiced this week.    Fact triangles were another concept that was briefly touched upon, although we will come back to it often over the next several weeks.  A scavenger hunt involving our Math Reference book rounded out the week’s festivities. 


We caught up with our February weather calendar early in the week.  After looking at our collection of data for the month we all came to the resounding conclusion that it has been cold!  I am also happy to report that we received our crickets late this week.  This allowed us the opportunity to observe and document the cricket’s activity. 


We focused a lot on revision this week.  The class used pens to mark and edit their work.  These lessons went extremely week and I was real proud of how the kids performed.  We will continue this focus over the following weeks.  During this time we will also begin touching more on non-fiction writing.  I look forward to working on these subjects with the kids. 

This provides a brief snapshot of what the class was up to this week.  We also took time to delve back into social studies and we kept up our weekly focus in phonics.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to get in touch with me.  I am always available to answer any questions you may have and until next week…all told.