
We have P.E. on Monday's, Wednesday's, Thursday's and Friday's. Please make sure to send in proper gym shoes on those days.

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Thank you,

Michael Hagen

Friday, March 20, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up

It was a bit of a rough week here in first grade. I was out early this week and it really threw things for a loop. However, I am pleased to report that things went very well in my absence with the substitutes. Again, I am terribly sorry that report cards did not go out on time. The logistics of getting them printed, stuffed and sent was not possible with me sick in bed. They did go out on Wednesday though and if you have ANY questions about what is marked, please feel free to drop me a line or swing by the room. I am always available to conference about your child’s progress in the classroom. Now that report cards are out of the way I can really focus my time on my reading groups and the terrific work they are doing.

This week also saw us begin several new concepts that will be a big part of our remaining months in first grade…on to the HIGHLIGHTS!!!


In math this week the class spent time finishing up some assessment materials from unit 6. We also began unit 7 this week. This saw us tackle the subject of fact triangles. The kids had multiple opportunities to connect the fact triangle concept to dominoes and they even got to cut out their own fact triangles and practice with a friend. This was all great, great stuff. I also took some time late in the week to bring the class down to the computer lab. We all logged into a new online math program that I will be using to supplement our current instruction and to differentiate math to my higher learners. The entire class really enjoyed this activity. We will be heading to the lab once a week to practice various concepts, including this program. If you have any questions please let me know.


Writing took a bit of a backseat this week as we went to the lab and finished up assessments. The kids had some time on Friday, though, to continue to edit and make their pieces better. I am looking forward to finishing up our revising unit next week.


In phonics this week we looked more at compound words. The kids were able to take two root words and slam them together to make compound words. You probably saw some of this work make its way home in folders this week. In addition to this, we also practiced our consonant diagraphs and clusters.

This was but a quick snapshot of what we were doing in the classroom this week. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about your child, or what is occurring in the classroom, please do not hesitate to drop me a line and until next week…all told.

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